After that we went to the information centre to get tickets for the penguin parade. Then we went to Cowes ( still in Phillips island ) for lunch. We ordered fish n chips and soup with bread. It was very tasty. Mummy took pictures of Daddy and us while waiting for the food.
Next we went to the beach to take some photos of our family and watch the waves crash on the rocks. It was loud and noisy. The waves almost wet my pants. The waves were like little tsunamis. The waves crashed at the bottom of the jetty where we were standing ( not the bottom of the bridge ). Then we had a slow walk up to the car because the sun was setting and it was getting late.
We drove to The Nobbies to see the Nobbies. A nobbie is a hill, one big one medium one small built with rocks. It has seals living around the Nobbies. There were telescopes to see if there are any seals. We had to put a coin in so we could see if there are any seals.
a small hole and blows back into the ocean through this hole.
Then we went to the penguin parade. We gave the penguin parade tickets so we can enter. We had to wait half an hour till the gates opened. When the gates opened, we walked to the stadium and sat down on the stairs. Everyone in the stadium had to wait one hour till it was night time.
When it was night time, my Dad spotted a group of penguins walking up the beach. They were so little. Another two groups of penguins walked down the beach. After that, Daqlan and I took a picture with Mr. Penguin.
We had a fabulous time on Philips Island.